Saturday, 22 October 2011

VO2 Sub Max Test at TriSportsPlus

A VO2 Sub Max Test provides an analysis of the your personal fitness levels, upon which nutrition and training programs can be discussed and developed based on your individual physiology, performance and goals. 

The test can be repeated at regular intervals to monitor progress and allow training programs to be amended accordingly.

V02 Sub Max Test and Fitness Assessment at TriSportsPlus (in conjunction with Perk Performance UK). 

Sat 29th Oct, 8 - 10am. 
30min assessment and review. 
Cost £50, booking required, give us a ring 01480 454183
5% discount on everything in store purchased the same day

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Saltstick - yes or no at TriSportsPlus

I have just received a sample of a Saltstick, my question to all is, what do you think, should we stock it?

What is it......

  • Saltstick holds 6 (or 3 depending on size of saltstick) nutritional supplement capsules dry and in a safe place.
  • Fits inside most bar ends
  • Fits to handle bars
  • Clips to race belts
  • Handheld

What's in the capsule....

  • Capsules replace the electrolytes lost during activity: sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
  • Contains only WHAT YOU NEED. No: herbal, trace, questionable components added. Gluten free.
  • No sweeteners- no high fructose corn syrup, no sweeteners of any kind

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Podiatry & Lower Limb Biomechanics Clinic - TriSportsPlus

TriSportsPlus is hosting a Podiatry & Lower Limb Biomechanics Clinic with Victoria Johns, in Store on Saturday 19th November 2011, 10am - 1pm.  Please ring 01480 454183, email or pop into the store 77 High St, Huntingdon, Cambs PE29 3EN to book.
£15 for a 30 min consultation
5% off any pair of shoes bought same day